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在所有经济罪恶中,最令人深恶痛绝的是漠视生命。在2004年出现安徽阜阳百余名儿童因吃了劣质奶粉成了"大头娃娃",多名儿童丧命的事件后,近段时间国内又出现了众多婴儿集体患"肾结石"的悲剧,罪魁祸首还是奶粉。初步调查的结果显示,导致婴儿"肾结石"的原因是他们喝了石家庄三鹿集团有限公司生产的三鹿牌奶粉,而此奶粉受到了三聚氰qíng胺àn污染。然而,随着质检部门对各类奶制品的全面检验,一些名优奶制品也卷入毒奶粉行列。伊利、蒙牛、施恩、雅士利、圣元等22个品牌的婴幼儿奶粉均验出含有三聚氰胺。 震惊全国的婴儿"肾结石事件"发生后,国务院相关部门高度重视。卫生部、国家质检总局、工商总局等部门已经采取了紧急行动,派出调查组赶赴事件发生地紧急调查处理,并加强了对市场上婴幼儿配方奶粉的监督检查。同时,质检总局新闻发言人李元平表示,在加强乳制品生产加工环节和进出口环节质量安全监管的基础上,将继续加强三聚氰胺的监督检查。有关部门表示,要彻查事件真相,严厉追究相关责任人…这是社会公平正义的要求,也是捍卫和保护公民人身安全和健康的基本要求。 On cases of "kidney calculi" in infants: safeguarding and protecting the safety and health of citizens In all economic crime, most repugnant is disregard of life. In 2004 Anhui Fuyang hundreds of children who ate inferior milk powder into "Datouwawa", many children died after the incident, recently the emergence of a multitude of babies suffering from kidney stones "collective tragedy, arch-criminal or preliminary formula. The results show that the causes of infant kidney stone" is that they drink Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Limited production of Sanlu milk powder, milk powder and this is Q ng, cyanuric amine, N pollution. However, with the comprehensive quality inspection departments of all kinds of dairy products, dairy products are also involved in some famous Milk powder ranks. Yili, Mengniu, Sheen, Yashili, Shengyuan and other 22 brands of infant milk powder tested for melamine. The relevant departments of the State Council have attached great importance to the incident of "kidney calculi", which shocked the country. The Ministry of Health, the State Administration of quality Supervision and Inspection, the General Administration of Industry and Commerce and other departments have taken urgent action. An investigation team was dispatched to the area where the incident occurred to investigate and deal with the emergency, and stepped up the supervision and inspection of infant formula on the market, said Li Yuanping, spokesman for the AQSIQ. On the basis of strengthening the quality and safety supervision of dairy products production and processing links and import and export links, we will continue to strengthen the supervision and inspection of melamine. The relevant departments said that the truth of the incident should be thoroughly investigated. Strict prosecution of those responsible... This is the demand of social justice, but also defend Basic requirements for safeguarding and protecting the safety and health of citizens. ? |